The second day was emotionally and physically overwhelming. I felt nauseous most of the class and struggled through the poses. My body begged and begged for me to stop. Afterwards I felt like I had the flu. I developed a mild fever, all-over body aches, a headache, the shakes and I was unbearably tired. My missus drove me home from work. I went straight to bed and slept for 12 hours. The next morning my system eliminated what seemed to be DAYS worth of waste (yes, I went there!). It was sort of amazing! I felt miraculously renewed...healed.
This resulted in me deciding to take a break from alcohol. I like the numbing effects of alcohol but it saps my energy, depresses me and interferes with my sleep (even in moderate quantities). Part of what I experienced in the second session was a system purge. What will happen if I ingest with the intention of wellness (not weight loss or sobriety but wellness)? Anna also urged us to stop shouldering other people's burdens (we were doing shoulder work, of course). It sort of struck me that I didn't have to convert others to my way of thinking. I've been wrestling with the fact that people have different approaches towards things. The truth is: my way is right for me. Not THE right way. I realized that I can instead use my energy to focus on me. I don't have to convert anyone to my way of thinking.
In today's session we transported our "stuff" to our yoga blocks. We assumed the boat position as we held a rubber block tight between our ankles. After a lot of tension, we physically and psychically let go. Stuff = the negative interior monologue. It's the weird things we hold onto from our childhood and use to dull our shine. Not rocket science but I realized today that I could consciously let go of this stuff through intention. I say all this because this work enabled me to find the power to assume this pose. Of course, I was shaking and ineloquent but Anna (yes, Anna!) assisted me and I did it. I DID IT!
Namaste, babies.
good for you, yogini. i'm very proud of you!
Hey shugalicious,
Whoa! What an interesting story! Sounds like a life-changing moment for you. Congrats on achieving clarity on something that has weighed heavy on your mind for so long. Sounds like you lost a few pounds of "baggage" (along with your power dump and purge!). You'll have to demonstrate your new vajayjay-energizing pose when we see you next time! : )
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