Saturday, September 6, 2008

Boston's Human Race on 8.31.08

Well, I must say that I was so glad I didn't let myself sleep-in that day and blow off this race (that's me in the pic above over on the left in the black hat and shorts looking at my watch). It was really exciting being in a crowd of 120 other runners, most of whom had shirts on just like mine, and all of us were united in a common purpose! To know that throughout the day more than a million other runners from across the globe would be running, as well, (also in shirts like mine!) in Nike's Human Race was kinda cool if I must say so myself! I'm proud to say that I'm a top 5000 runner in the world based on my time for the 10K that day. It wasn't my personal best, but I did it in 49 minutes and some change. Whoo Hoo! Watch out, London! Here I come for the 2012 Olympics!! ;-)


pdw said...

good job kev!

what was the route, and how was the pace? did you not do your personal best because you were keeping pace with your group? wow -- 10k in 49 minutes -- that's REALLY fast -- you were running 7:00 -8:00 miles. good job!

gemini72 said...

ohhh, a trip to London!! I am on board..when do we start training :)

Kev said...

hey p,
I didn't do my personal best because it was too warm out and because it was too early! I'm a night/evening runner and running in the morning just felt wrong! :-) The route started at City Sports on Boylston, turned left on Clarendon, then left again on Commonwealth then right on Mass.Ave. where we crossed the bridge and turned right onto the Memorial-side running paths. We took the paths to the Science Center and turned right onto the Boston-side running paths and then we ran all the way to the Mass. Ave. bridge, went up the ramp and took Mass Ave. to Commonwealth to Exeter to Niketown. It was a great run!

Kev said...

Yep! As soon as I qualify for the Olympics we can start making plans for London! :-)