Sunday, September 14, 2008

Question of the Day

QuoD: What keeps you from being in excellent physical condition?

Let's define "excellent physical condition" as whatever you think being "in shape" looks like or feels like. This question came to me while running today and looking at some of the other runners' bodies with envy. When I see a guy running by with his shirt off who is lean, has a six-pack, and is barely breaking a sweat in 90% humidity, my first thoughts are: "Damn! Why can't I look like that? I'm such a slacker!" Of course, most of these super fit guys are usually half my age with the metabolism of rabbits on speed, but I digress...
I've come to realize what a huge factor mental dialogue can be and how it impacts whether or not I reach my fitness goals. There are days when I feel on top of the world and can run long distances without even thinking about stopping, and then there are others when just about everything "bothers me" (e.g., my armband is too loose; the neck of my shirt is too tight; it's too hot out) and soon becomes a reason for me to stop running and start walking. What's up with that? How can this inner dialogue wield so much power on some days and be silent on others? Does anyone have a good muzzle I can borrow? :-)


pdw said...

hey kev --

you are too funny, and it is good to hear that someone else disparagingly compares him/herself to 20-year-olds and then says "wait a minute! i'm 40-something!" i think that THAT thought is one of our best defenses against losing our enthusiasm. it is the reality check that WE ARE NOT 20 ANYMORE -- but here we are anyway doing our thing and flexing our muscles. good for us!

on the other hand, i do look at dara torres, janet jackson, and madonna -- all of whom are my contemporaries and say "hmmmm. NOW what's my excuse?" :) (aside from the fact that they have been airbrushed and/or work out for a LIVING!)

i think it is important to work through the dialogues in our heads though. it is okay to have the thoughts as long as you remember to laugh at yourself, congratulate your ole ass for being out there AT ALL, and to take a minute to look at someone your age on the street/at the gym who doesn't look half as good as you do and say "well, at least i look better than HIM/HER :)!"

you can be irritated by the little things, but congratulate yourself on the big things -- that you are out there doing SOMETHING, and think about how far you've come over all.

always try to remember where you were when you started. even if you've gained back a pound or two, or you think that your 6-pack isn't as cut as you want it to be, i bet you can't disagree with yourself when you say that you are looking mighty fine compared with what you looked like the day before you took your first run!

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