Sunday, January 13, 2008

Check out MSN's "Fit Zone"

Here's an excellent resource to keep handy and bookmark for future reference. It allows you target the specific body part or muscle group you want to work on and gives you step-by-step instructions and graphics to show you the exercises you need to do to achieve your goal. Click HERE to go to the site.

QuoD: What part of YOUR body do you wish you could wave a magic wand over and instantly tighten/tone/beef it up?


emmy said...

i mostly love my body.

if i could wave a wand for change i'd do so and get rid of my stretch marks. my pregnancies changed the skin on my belly. even when my tum is totally flat it looks scarred. but this doesn't really have anything to do with tightening or toning (though i must say the toner my belly the more faded my stretch marks appear).

Kev said...

I think I'd have to say that I would use the magic wand to give me a permanent 6-pack (hey, if I'm gonna make a wish, I might as well go for it, right?) : ) This way I could focus more on cardio and less on diet and crunches.

pdw said...

hmmmm. well, no matter how small i get i always have love handles --even when i was thin and 20 years old! so i guess i MIGHT wave the wand to whittle those down a bit, but honestly, i would probably use the wand to make myself taller!