hey y'all --
i usually don't buy into the whole resolution thing -- especially the one to "get in shape!" it's a little unrealistic to think you can just up and decide to get in shape one day, and then magically just do it. what is real is that you can decide to begin a journey to get into better shape and make a resolution not to quit, recognizing that you will have ups and downs, successes and failures, gains and losses, and over time -- a LONG time, maybe even years -- you will eventually establish sound eating habits and a consistent exercise regimen, and your body will get stronger, more flexible, and leaner.
clearly that's a resolution that you can make, and should make, every and/or any day -- not just january 1st! anyway -- i think we all made that resolution a while ago.
so then, nevermind resolutions -- what are your fitness GOALS for 2008 (and beyond)? are you training for something specific -- a race, a challenge, a specific number of reps using a heavier weight? are you planning to research and include new exercises into your routine? take up a new sport? change your focus from strength to flexibility or vice-versa? emphasize speed over distance, or distance over speed? here's your chance to publicly document your plans!
my current fitness goals:
1. improve my yoga practice! by (a) learning correct form (books, dvds) and (b)supplementing my two classes a week by twice weekly practicing on my own.
2. continue my 4-5 times per week 30-40 minutes of cardio followed by 45 minutes of weight training
3. strengthen my core by not skipping ab work! :-)
happy new year, my fabulous fitness friends! may we all end 2008 in even better shape than we begin it!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
2008 goals (not resolutions)!
Posted by
1/01/2008 02:44:00 PM
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I am afraid to put my goals here..but i need to do it! Ok, here goes..I will start small and work out two days a week at the gym doing at least 20 minutes of cardio and at least 20 minutes of weight training (this includes abs).
Reg, don't be scared! This is a place of support & love :)
My goal is to not let my travel schedule throw everything off--find small ways to keep active when I'm on the road & jump back in when I get home.
The other piece is to watch what I eat when I travel--my colleagues are all foodies & it's easy to go crazy at dinners. My trick that seems to work pretty well is to order a salad (or side of veggies) with an appetizer for dinner. And just 1 drink...
PS--Pam, you'll burn more fat if you do your weights BEFORE your cardio; cardio first increases overall endurance.
hey kath -
i do remember reading an article about whether you should do cardio first or weights first a while ago. it said that it didn't make a huge amount of difference in the end, but that you were more likely to see improvement in the one that you do first because you'll be more focused (and have more energy). by the time you get to the second part, you're already thinking about what to eat :-).
but you've actually given me a good idea -- i think for the next few months, i'll switch the order -- just to give the ole bod a little surprise! maybe i'll even split the cardio and do half before AND half after. hmmmmmm.
your work dining out m.o. is very smart. i similarly sometimes order two appetizers and have one when every one else is having theirs, and the other as my entree. i'm still working on that "just 1 drink" part though ...
Wow! You guys are serious! : ) Well, let me add my two cents and get my goals on the record:
1. I, krts, promise to run a 5k race in the year 2008! If all goes well, I vow to run a 10k soon thereafter.
2. I will STOP eating when I ain't hungry! Just cuz I got a pie hole don't mean I gotta fill it every two seconds! : )
3. I will get back to my ideal weight of 155 and seek to establish consistent eating and workout habits.
4. I will listen to my body when it says, "you better stop running right now" instead of pushing through the pain and risking injury.
hey ya'll...i went to a talk today by a postdoc in my department...some of the findings from her qualitative study gave me a few ideas. I will set a minimum and a maximum (and be very realistic in doing this). For example, my minimum will be to get to the gym once a week and my maximum will be to get to the gym 3 times a week. So, as long as I am within my minimum and maximum I won't beat myself up about not working out as much as I should, which usually ends up with me ending my entire fitness regimen. The other thing is a change in one's mindset that physical activity is a lifestyle change and not something that one has to do for a short period of time to fit into a pair of "skinny jeans". I think pam and kev are great examples of this..they have really made lifestyle changes by incorporating working out/running into their weekly schedules..or at least this is what it looks like from my perspective...you both are indeed an inspiration. I don't think I am there yet. My first step is my minimum/maximum plan.
I'm proud of you, shmoopie, oops, I mean gemini72! : )Thanks for the tips, too. Those are great ideas! Too often we're harder on ourselves than necessary. We're only human, right? All we can do is keep on striving to be the person we want to be and learn to congratulate ourselves on what we're doing RIGHT rather than obsessing over what we think we're doing wrong.
hey kev --
you raised an interesting point that i was going to start a new thread about: INJURIES!
as it turns out, i did something to my knee on monday that is more painful than the usual tweak or twist. i can't put weight on my left knee when it's bent (so stairs are a BITCH!). okay. i'm not too freaked out about it; i'm icing and ibuprofening and am optimistic that i'll be back to my usual level of old-person-pain in a few days.
but ... with all that, i was still seriously considering limping my butt to the gym anyway! jarvis had to stop me and ask me if i was crazy :-). i was thinking "well, i can still work my upper body ..."
but, like kev said, sometimes we do need to reign ourselves in and listen to the voice that says "stop it, dum-dum, you will only make things WORSE!"
reg, loved your post! i can't wait until you are working down the hall on the regular! we will inspire each other.
you're all echoing something I've heard Catherine, my yoga instructor say: you're practice (whatever form of body work you choose) should be joyful and elevating not a painful, horrid chore.
honoring and cherishing ourselves will ensure that our "routines" are sustainable.
PDW, stay off that knee until it feels better. You won't go all flabby taking a week off, I promise! You may want to also try some arnica--you can get a gel (to rub on it) or little chewable tabs (to take) from from a health food store (or GNC).
On the yoga front (I'm on a roll because we made it to a 6:30 am class today & now I'm all re-excited about yoga), you might want to invest in a private lesson to get some good alignment coaching. You can also start your home practice by just doing 3 or 5 sun salutations each day. If you're feeling fancy toss in a standing pose instead of a lunge between the vinyasa sequence (is that too much yoga speak? let me know if you need a translation...).
I'm proud of every one of us for even talking about fitness stuff. For a long time (like, 3 years), I read Self magazine cover to cover, just building up the motivation to actually start moving. I love that Kev started this little community to foster & encourage!
Hey Kath, thanks for the compliment! I am so glad that people are finding it useful and motivating. Now I just wish we could get some input from more people to increase the size of our little fitness community. I think we could all benefit from a broad spectrum of perspectives so we can continue to expand our collective fitness knowledge base and support system...
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