Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Shoes for You: Fashion or Function First?

Ok, think about all the running/tennis/workout/gym shoes you've purchased over the course of your lifetime and ask yourself: "Is it more important that my shoes LOOK good/cool/trendy or that they fit and feel comfortable and/or they are the best shoe for what you want to do in them (e.g., run)?" I have to be honest, the shoes HAVE to look good or I won't buy them. Period. They could fit like a glove and be the most comfortable shoe I've ever put on my feet, but if they are butt-ugly or look therapeutic I know I would never wear them and would not waste my money buying them! Sometimes I luck out and get the best of both worlds: a cool-looking shoe that fits great and feels great when I run. This happened when I discovered the Nike 360's, which are the BEST running shoe I've ever worn. So this got me to thinking: am I the only shallow fitness-buff in the world or are there others like me out there? To that end, here's today's question:

QuoD: Are YOU a "Fashion First!" kinda guy/gal when it comes to fitness shoes? or... Are you a "Practical & Prudent" shopper who buys shoes no matter WHAT they look like as long as they fit and feel good?


emmy said...

price is my most important feature when choosing work out shoes. am realizing as the decades pass it's unrealistic to adhere to the $25 rule (that is, spend no more than $25). i was raised thinking skips were decent sports shoes -- no sure i want to get past that. it seems nuts to spend $100 on sneakers...

Kath said...

when it comes to shoes, I'm all about function. luckily, my feet are shaped such that function usually = cute and/or snazzy (ooh, that's such a mom word!). I will pay just about anything for a shoe that will support my arches, give me cushion to protect my knees, and give me a little spring in my step.

When it comes to clothes though, especially for yoga, it is all about cute! I usually wait for REI to have a sale & then I hit the Prana stuff...cute & frugal!

On my wish list now, another pair of pants to run in--bootleg, long enough to cover my ankles, and a high enough rise to cover my booty so I don't get a breeze on my lower back

Kev said...

hey kath, yeah "snazzy" really IS mom word! lol! so cute! Emmy, I think you need to update your shoe price limits to 21st century prices! I think the only place these days to get $25 shoes is the Salvation Army or a yard sale! : ) I hear ya on the old-school shoes, though. Back in the day I used to pretend my Keds hightops were super-powered and to activate them I'd push the logo on the side of my shoes!

pdw said...

hey y'all --

i'm all late on the shoe tip, but i'm most likely to pay too much to get both at the same time -- a funky fresh shoe that feels fab. i'm annoyed at how much i like nike shoes. they always feel great and look good, but they lose their "air" relatively quickly, or at least they used to. i used to go through a pair of cute nike running shoes in 3 months -- that was doing 3-4 miles a day, 5-6 days a week. i still gravitate towards nike running shoes for my cardio -- even though i infrequently run, i still like the support they give on the elliptical/step/life cycle machines. plus, they look fly :-).

but sneakers in general are crazy overpriced, don't you think?