Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Flat-belly summer foods

Click on the title to go to an article on foods that are supposed to make you feel full fast....

Who is organized enough to make sure that he/she eats the suggested "half cup" of these foods everyday??!! After reading the article I felt overwhelmed and I know that after a while I could get tired of eating these foods. ..but they do offer "alternatives" that could provide some variety... Why don't I ever get tired of eating french fries, or vanilla milkshakes, or fried chicken???

1 comment:

Kev said...

Ok, first, the 2 writers must be queens cuz what straight guy would use words like, "jiggle juggernaut"? Anyhoo, I was happy to hear that I eat most of that stuff on a regular basis and love everything on the list. But I agree, Reg, that being consistent and eating the recommended amounts each day would be difficult and tedious. You bring up a good question about why we never tire of our "favorite" foods (which too often are bad for us). The older I get, the more I think that I would rather eat what I want and then run rather than deprive myself of things I love to eat on occassion. To me, there are days when eating a bag (or two) of gummy worms is worth the risk of becoming a "jiggle juggernaut." At least that's how I feel until I empty the bag...