Sunday, May 18, 2008

I ran my first 5k today!

Hey all, I ran my very first 5k today and LOVED it! It was a gorgeous day today, not a cloud in the sky, bright and sunny, just a light breeze and 67 degrees. The race was run alongside the Mystic River and the scenery was quite nice. My time was 24'30", which isn't great and much slower than my best 5k (19'59") but I'm happy with how I did and proud that I came in 21st overall (out of 93 runners) and fifth for my age group (40-49)! Extra special thanks go to my personal photographer, Reg ; ) Thanks for being there today, Shmoopie!


gemini72 said...

congrats Kev!! I am so proud of you!! It was indeed a gorgeous day (a little early for me....Registration began at 8:00am, but it was worth it to see how excited your were after the race :)

Looking forward to cheering you on in more races this summer!

Kev said...

Thanks, Shmoopie! I really apprciated seeing your smiling face at the finish line! What a fantastic day!

pdw said...

go kev go! you are so inspiring! i'm looking forward to cheering you on at the races too :). that is so impressive that you finished 2nd in your class -- i'd be happy just to finish.

okay superstar, you rock! what was your race playlist???

Kev said...

Thanks, p! I didn't wear my iPod for music, I just wore it to keep track of my mileage. So, my soundtrack was simply my tired 44-year-old lungs huffing and puffing trying to keep up with the youngin's! : ) Oh, btw they just posted the results and I was mistaken. I didn't come in 2nd in my age group, I came in 5th. I placed 21st out of 93 runners, which I'm pretty proud of. Now my goal is to see if I can beat my previous time each time I run a race!

emmy said...

wow! what an amazing challenge. you look great! pam mentioned that you have a reggae race coming up -- sounds like great sideline fun.

you're a muscle bear!