They offer great health benefits, but gyms are also breeding grounds for germs. Here's how to avoid getting a virus along with those toned abs. Click HERE for more info.
QuoD: What's your biggest gym pet-peeve?
It's all about looking & feeling great!
They offer great health benefits, but gyms are also breeding grounds for germs. Here's how to avoid getting a virus along with those toned abs. Click HERE for more info.
QuoD: What's your biggest gym pet-peeve?
Posted by
2/05/2008 07:09:00 PM
My pet-peeve is when people leave a machine at the gym all sweaty! I always bring my own towel to wipe down whatever I use. My other pet-peeve is when people use weights and just leave them on the floor instead of putting them back when they're done (like their momma's gonna come pick up after them or something!).
I have a germy one, and a general social skills one...
on the germy side, I'm with Kev. Wipe it down, people! The Y in Oakland just renovated and has little wet wipes you can use--I wipe before & after just to be safe.
on the social skill side, I really can't stand the full body scan that happens from time to time--it's not flattering at all, it's gross, especially coming from men who could be my grandpa!
I hear ya, Kath! I'm not sure about the scanning thing,though. The older ya get, the more ya start to notice that less and less people are scanning ya! lol! : ) Be careful what ya wish for! ; )
Wallowing around in someone else's sweat and getting the full body scan...and the problem is???? oops, wrong blog ;)
just kidding...I too hate when folks don't wipe down the machines.
hey gemini72, this is "fitness day-to-day" not "gettin' busy day-to-day"! lol! : ) re: sweaty machines, why are some people so lazy and/or nasty at the gym? I went last night and the mat area was littered with dumbells (weights, not the Bush-like people). I mean, come on! Ya go thru the trouble to go take the weights off the rack, why not continue your workout and put them back where they belong? and don't get me started on the people who just throw the gym's towels on the floor and walk away as though it was somebody's job to pick up after them! I betta stop before the bee in my bonnett gets too riled up! : )
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